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Academic Insights

This category offers study tips for students, insights on navigating your course load and general learning habits. Our articles provide practical advice to enhance the academic journey for both students and their supporters.

Let’s Make Sense of It: The Relationship Between ADHD and Altered Sensory Processing

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurological disorder that is characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. While the stereotypical image often conjured by the term “ADHD” involves a hyperactive young child who cannot sit still and struggles to focus, there are multiple lesser-known symptoms associated with the condition. These less recognized […]

Invest in Fancy School Supplies

So many of my students love working with the school supplies we provide at the Genesis Tutoring in-person office. I’m constantly being asked where I got them from. I personally discovered the joy of investing in “fancy” school supplies when I was in university, after many years of penny pinching at Bureau en Gros (a […]

My Favourite Agenda Template

I am not a fan of paper agendas. My main reason for this is I find it is easy to forget about things that are due far in the future. Let’s say it’s September 1st, and you are told in English class that you have a big oral presentation in 20 days. So, you write […]